Monday, December 28, 2009
What 3 more WOD's
My #'s-225-185/235-135/245-95
Bench Press- 1 rep max, 10 rep max/ 1 rep max, 20 rep max/ 1 rep max 30 rep max
& 45lb bar max reps (for fun)
My #'s-295-225/ 305-185/ 295-135 45lb bar-105 reps
Dead Lift- 1 rep max, 10 rep max/ 1 rep max, 20 rep max/ 1 rep max 30 rep max
My #'s-345-225/ 385-185/ 375-135
Monday, December 21, 2009
Day of 3 WOD's
#1- 5rounds for time
15-95lb thrusters
400mtr run:
My time 18:52
#2- 3rounds for time
5-15'rope climbs
21 ring dips
50 squats:
My time-20:39
#3- 21-15-9/225lb deadlift
15-9-6 HSPU
My time- 8:53
Hard day, first time in a little while that we put in this much work in one day. I felt good even though I wasn't to thrilled about any of these WOD's. They all gave me some trouble and I had to really dig deep for them. Glad I did. I'm tired......
Friday, December 18, 2009
Shoulder Press
My#- 115-135-145.
Lifts felt okay. I really need to work on activating my Posterior chain Muscles, pushing my head through and squeezing those shoulders up. I did okay though. Prior to the Press we were dragging tires up and down the retention pond. I liked it a lot, good leg work, good lactic acid build-up.

workout:5 min row/ride/rope
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
And so it begins

Dead Lift 3 rep max

Easy on Paper
max hold in plank
then:10-1 ladder
max oh db hold 35/25
then:tabata row for calories
Sounds easy on paper, but this one really gives you what you put into it. Did all chest to bar pull-ups, and in retrospect should have put on my weight vest for the whole damn thing. Was fun and challenging. And def. harder than it seems at first glance. My rowing is getting much stronger and am really feeling comfortable on the C2.
Balls out 12/08/09
AMRAP 6 min
10x thruster @ 95/65
15x ball slam @ 20/15
rest 2 min
AMRAP 6 min
10x hang squat clean @ 95/65
15x ball slam
rest 2 min
AMRAP 6 min
10x ball slam
15x box jump 24"/20"
My #- 3, 2, 3. (not horrible, but should be better)
Did not want to do this WOD. But Ross wanted to and who doesn't like a little self inflicted abuse. I know I do, plus there are three elements here I need work on. Thrusters, H.squat cleans, and Box jumps. This was the second WOD of the day. Glad to get it in.
Friday, December 4, 2009
5 min. Max Pull up, Farmers carry, Tail pipe
row/ride 5 min
3 rounds
20m lunge
15x pull-up
ohs technique
5 min max pull-up (102 butterfly let me down, more next time)
400m uneven farmer carry 50/35 35/25
20x split jump @ drop
rest 3 min
then: repeat in opposite direction
3 rft
P1 250m row
P2 over head hold w/slosh pipe
one round finished when both players row (Tanner and Colin- 7:56)
5 Rounds for time
7 Muscle ups
21 Burpees:
Me- 17:07
Felt good. First 7 m/u were unbroken. Kept them in strings of 2-3 for entire WOD. Burpees could have been faster, but my form, getting my arms over head, feet off the ground, chest and thighs to ground, was what I concentrated on. The first attempt done in Aug. time was 26:13. Nice jump.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Push up, Ring dip hang, and run
Airdyne Max effort for 20 sec, 30 sec, 40 sec, 50 sec, 60 sec with equal time rest.
Me- 50, 20, 35, 23= 128 total.
So so, not the best but it was work, but the Airdyne exercise was brutal, I mean those things just fucking destroy you. WOW. Loved all the same.
Dead Lift and Pull ups
1000 mtr Row
Me- 3:30 @185. and-4:26
Felt real good, and I actually had the best times until it was beaten by 22 sec. by the last guy of the day. All good. Still very happy with it.
Monday, November 30, 2009
#2 & #3
15 double-unders
15 incline sit-ups
My #'s- 9rds and 6 sit-ups
50 meter tractor tire sprints: 3 rounds each for time, 3min rest between.
1 2 3
My times- 20sec, 20sec, 18sec
And my legs are done, body is sore, and I'm completely gassed. I love it.

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Mod- Team Murph 11/26/09
15x burpee
15x kte
15x tuck jump then:
complete in teams of two. only one player works at a time, must tag to relieve.
1 mile run. performed as 400m sprint relays
50x sit up
100x push up
75x sit up
200x pull up
100x sit up
300x squat
1 mile run: 400m relay style
Our time-44:30
Did this team WOD with Josh. only his second time at the box, and I think we did awesome. I did end having to finish from # 85 pull-up cause he got pukie, but Robert knocked my number down to 150 pull-ups. Butterfly kipp was strong and hands are holding up. Josh came back for the rest of the WOD and it was a ton of fun.
Litvinov Conversion
workout:5 min airdyne
20m lunge to single leg deadlift then
4 sets 10m lunge with bar in front rack
6x step up to jump then:
6 sets with 3 min rest between 8x front squat M:95-135 W: 55-95
50m sprint
Was fun, front rack was strong, and sprints felt fast.
Iron Curtain warm-up 11/19/09
3 rounds of CINDY then:
Pick either the couplet or triplet from iron curtain:
for time: 750m row + 75 thruster 45/35
My time-8:37
amrap 7 min: 2 mu + 4 hspu + 8 pistol
My #'s- 4 rds + HSPU
Did both, neither felt great. If my HSPU ever fucking come along I will be able to wreck this.
workout:5 min row/airdyne then:
2 rounds10x pvc thruster
10x jumping pull up then:
thruster 95/65
pull up:
My time-5:24
Was okay for the first time doing Fran. Still struggling with my front rack. Pull-ups were strong and my butterfly kipp is very fast. Room for improvement fo-sho......
Dead Lift 5RM 11/16/09
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
My time-39:22PR (previous time 61:+)
Eva does not scare me anymore. The fact the in five month I shaved off over 20min. from my time is nuts. Ran felt great, no old man shuffle, swings in blocks of 15. Pull-ups were descent. But over all Awesome!!!! Recovered fast and felt great.... Does Crossfit work. Yes!! I love it. Crossfit or Die....
Over Head Squat 11/13
3x5 heavy
Weight had to come from he ground, up into a power clean or power snatch, and then back racked, adjusted grip, and then back jerked up ready for the over head squat. Felt good, legs and shoulders were taxed from a week of stuff. Worked on form and explosiveness. Happy with the WOD.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Clean and Jerk
Did the lighter weight several time and then went big. I cleaned 205 very well, got low, received the bar in full squat, failed the jerk. I know I've got it next time for sure. Shoulders are a little taxed from this week, B/S excuse... But at least I have room to grow right?
Warmed up with Turkish Get-up progressions and went from 35lb to 95lb max both arms. Soon I will be hitting 115lb TGU. Like the movement a lot, fun to play with.
1/2 Chipper 11/11/09
750m row
50x deadlift 115/75
25x box jump
40x push press 95/55
20x kb swing 53/35
30x front squat 115/75
15x split jump (per leg)
20x ring dip
10x burpee
400m run
My time-23:25
Was happy to have completed it without falling down face first. Was feeling really strong until the front squat and my lack of a front rack hurt me. The rest went well until,,,,, the RUN. Again the old man shuffle.Complete Bullshit. I will get better at running when I'm hurting.... Crossfit or Die.... And Run till your gonna pass out..... Fuck it pisses me off.
Power Snatch w/ run 11/10/09
95lb power snatch
400 mtr run
5 rounds
My time- 16:33
Very happy with it. Was able to complete first three rounds of snatch's without letting go of the bar, for the last two I would complete 5 and dump the weight. Its my run that still gets me, can't get past the old man shuffle. Gotta speed up that run!!!!! Crossfit or Die.
Time- 53:14
Not very happy with the time but considering I was running on 1 hr. of sleep and don't really think they distance was accurate, I'll take it. Gotta get faster. Gonna run at least a 5k a week religiously.
Nate 11/5/09
2 muscle-ups
8 2pood kettlebells swings
My#-8 rounds
This happened to be the first WOD I did at Crossfit Daytona. Was still fighting a cold and wanted to at least equal my PR, but I was happy with the work I did. HSPU are still my Achilles heel, and need some real attention.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Over Head Squat
Monday, October 19, 2009
Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps
My time-19:42 as Rx
Nick-17:37 as Rx
Dave-16:24 assisted muscle-ups
Pre- WOD strength training. Weighted pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps @ 50lbs. The Hero WOD was a good one. The combination between the SDHP and the muscle-ups really made it challenging. Wish I could have been a little quicker with my muscle-ups but was pleased with the WOD as a whole. Finally we get some cool weather and it helps a lot. Hands are a little busted up, blisters on wrists and palms from the muscle-ups today and the 30 muscle-ups for time done recently. But I love it all the same.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
My time- 14:57
Nick- 8:24
Dave- 16:50
Hell yeah, these types of WODs make me a little nervous before we start, I like to be first to go so I don't have to think to much about how bad its gonna hurt. Still working on my front rack. Every time I think it has gotten better something like this comes up and I realize how much I struggle to keep the proper front rack position. Shit just hurts me, but that how you know its good.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
30 muscle-up
my time- 10:12 PR
nick- 7:25 PR
Before the WOD (which went awesome, and I shaved 3 min. off my previous time) we all worked on our dead lift. Did as many reps as poss in 2 minutes of 315 D.L. I managed 15 reps and that weight got heavy fast, but form stayed true and it felt good. Nick destroyed it and got 33. Insane!!!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dirty Dozen
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups, inverted
20 Hang squat cleans,35 pound dumbells
25 Good Mornings
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents, 15 ft
My time-20:51
Nick-25:40 + 20lb vest
Smiley-39:20 + 20lb vest
Dave- 25:20
Liked the WOD. Really wished we had been able to go one at a time, so that I could have someone push me harder. I feel that my time was good, but I really could have pushed it much more. Either way it was a great variety of movements and want to do it again, and maybe with the 20lb vest. I think I could have finished with a respectable time.
Monday, September 28, 2009
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
(all done w/ 25lb vest)
My time-24:30
Also earlier working on my front rack I did 165lb squat clean thrusters, just to fool around with heavy weights. Also hit some heavy dead lifts. Started reps at 225, and went right to 345 a couple times, and finished with 430 and a new PR.
430lb dead lift! I can get more.........
Friday, September 25, 2009
Squat Cleans & incline sit-ups
135lb. Squat Cleans 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Incline sit-ups 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
My time-11:17
Nick- 9:07
Dave- 12:30
Liked the WOD very much, like pushing around the weight. Need to get my front rack together badly. End up doing more work for myself without proper front rack placement. Was able to complete the squat clean with just a couple pauses in between a few reps, and the sit-ups were unbroken. Practiced the one arm barbell snatch with 95lbs, both arms, and it went pretty smooth.
Monday, September 14, 2009
PreSeason (done on Saturday the 12th)
For time:
Starting at the 1 yard line
Burpee broad jumps to the 50 yard line, sprint back
Walking lunges with 35lb plate to the 50 yard line, sprint to pull up bar
21 L pull ups
3 rounds:
My time- 15:24 (2 rounds)
Artie- 14:13 (2 rounds)
Neither of us were prepared for this beast. I was shortly after breakfast for me and Artie had been out boozing the night before. We both started to get sick and turned into a bunch of bitches. First time I ever quit a WOD, and last. But there was no way I was gonna finish. Looking forward to trying this one again soon. Like the challenge of coming up with gym less WODs.
21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups:
My time-4:27 / 15 hspu finished piked
Nick-4:54 Rx
Dave-3:54 / 12 hspu finished piked
Started the WOD with some warm up deadlifts. Hit a new PR of 422 lbs. Felt good and can def go for more next time around, but wanted to save some juice for the WOD. The 32 house has decided to always work with some heavy weight prior to the afternoon WOD unless its gonna be a long one. And Nick and I are trying to implement a early pre lunch WOD. Gotta kick it up a notch. Will work on hspu everyday now with my double unders.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Burpee, Run
400 meter run
25 burpees-
My time-22:33
This was a good one to do just to get back into doing something uncomfortable. I wouldn't say this one was two hard but it def. had me sucking wind and feeling like I had lead in my shoes by the end. Took a few days off, being moved around the county on shift, and then going out of town for the UF season opener in Gainesville. I can tell that it was two much time away from Crossfit. Although I have been hitting heavy gym days still, its not nearly the same. Lou is a welcome new member of our deathbyburpee family, and I see very big things in her future. Lots of heart. Worked with Nick on the clean and jerk and snatch, just as skill work. Plus hit up 100+ double unders.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Double-unders and Sit-ups

Double-under for 2 minutes
Sit-up for 2 minutes
Double-under for 90 seconds
Sit-up for 90 seconds
Double-under for 1-minute
Sit-up for 1-minute
Double-under for 30 seconds
Sit-up for 30 seconds
110 70
55 48
35 26
26 16
226 160= 386
Never did this one before. I was fun, and made me feel really good about the progress I've made with my double-unders. And with the Sit-ups, I can knock them out pretty fast, but once I hit the wall, the speed is gone and I gotta just grind through it. Wanted to get a second WOD in on the day, but time escaped me and before I knew it , it was dark out and dinner was being prepared. Try and get some serious work in tomorrow.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mmmm Crossfit Chics

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursters, H-P Cleans, SDHP

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lunges, pull-ups, and sit-ups

Eating like a Caveman

Deck of Cards 8/22/09
Spades- L-pull-ups
Hearts- 45lb thrusters
Clubs- 45lb Half-moons (every 2 was a rep)
Jokers- 100 compound crunches and a 40 yd sprint
Yesterday Artie and I went to the park by my house around noon and knocked out another Deck of Cards WOD. We upped the ante and tried to push things. It took about an 1.5 hrs to finish, but it was fun, hard and in the end I was very happy we did it. Even had some young kids come by probably 7 & 9 yrs old and they went though some of the movements with us. I love to teach kids who are eager to learn, and can see that in the future will set up a crossfit kids in my box.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Karen...."she's crazy"!!!

For time:150 Wall Ball shots, 20 pound ball:
Monday, August 17, 2009

Five rounds for time of:
Friday, August 14, 2009
400 meters sprints

Run 400 meters
Gotta get the fix
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
CrossfitCrossfitCrossfit, I love Crossfit

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wall Ball and Kettle Bell

Paleo Success

Monday, August 10, 2009
Stupid Gym
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Dead Lift

Friday, August 7, 2009
Rope Climb

10 K
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fight Gone Bad

Three rounds of:
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Round Pull-up
1 25
2 20
3 25
4 20
5 20
6 21
Total #s-6 rounds and 131 pull-ups. Did the WOD alone for the first time in a long time. Working the A shift and these guys haven't Hit Rock Bottom (I don't even think they want to or could if they tried). Felt good about the numbers but definitely could have done more pull-ups with some encouragement. My kipp was strong and consistent and my hands felt pretty good. Want to work on my butterfly with Smiley next time he comes by. Did some jump-rope work to warm up, some muscle-ups and some Pilate's core floor work. Abs are getting some definition. Hope to really get my ass kicked tomorrow with the B-shift crew. We always work till we bleed, push till we puke, and of course we always HIT ROCK BOTTOM.
Gym Day
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Gym Day
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Skill work

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Get Messed Up
Cindy is a tough chic

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
My #- 19 rounds PR by 1 round
Dave- 20 rounds
Nick- 20 rounds
Blain- 20 rounds
Was glad to get a chance to do Cindy again. I like the simplicity of the WOD, but it really beats you up fast. My goal was 20 rounds, but after the whooping we took from yesterday I was struggling after about 12 rounds. Still very pleased with another PR. wanna try Cindy a little more fresh, at least the upper body. Love doing WOD at Gervy Gant park. Next time I want 22. I will bring all I've got, push every round out. Hands need a break from all th pull-ups. Bruised, but not torn.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hold the World Down
Upperbody Burn

Dave- 12/25, 10/25, 9/23, 6/22, 6/22-43/117= 160 PR
This was a great WOD for everyone to get together and root each other on. After the second set, you can really start to feel the fatigue. The bench is pure chest and tricept strenght, and the pull-ups are all upperbody and core. They suck the life out of you after a bit. Lots of fun. We all Set PR's by a whole lot, except Smiley, whose numbers where fucking awsome his first go at it. Wanted to do better on by pull-ups, and still feel I can start getting a few rounds into the thirties, but my grip strenght was failing me. Very proud of the bench.
Just chill for a few

Friday, July 24, 2009
Its not gonna lift itself

Five rounds for time of:
No rest I guess
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rest day
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Filthy fifty:
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
First time done as Rx. 31:48. No fun
Done July 18, 2009-30 muscle-ups for time: 13min & some change. (room for improvement)