Five rounds for time of:
Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees:
My time: 26:13
Nick: 19:04
Dave: 49:14
Holey Shit!!!! A hard one, but def very proud to have done as Rx. Muscle up become such a mental work out. You really have to see the movement, the over exaggerated kipp, pop those hips, snap the elbows back tucked in tight, and drive up. So much, for just one rep, and forget about it. BURPEES?? I made up time with the burpees, and actually finished the WOD dry heaving through the last two burpees. Nice huh?........ deathbyburpee? Yes, and a straight kick in the balls by muscle ups.....Fooled around after a call and knocked out a few muscle ups and burpees with bunker pants and boots on. Not too bad.
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