For Time; 50 (20lb) wall ball shots & 50 (1.5 pood) kettle bell swings
35 wall ball shots & 35 swings
20 shots & 20 swings
My time- 18:26
Today I had the pleasure of going to CrossFit Threshold in Kendall. Wow!! What an amazing experience it was. First of all when I called this morning to get some info on poss. getting to do a WOD with them, I spoke with Chris Holt the co-owner and director of their box. Super friendly and told me to come on down. Nice set-up, very clean and wide open. The WOD was the kind I hate to see cause it forces me to work on my weaknesses, wall ball and kettle bell swings. So I was happy to go and get my butt kicked. Chris also helped me work on my double unders, something I've vowed to perfect and haven't yet. I had such an awesome time there and was invited back anytime. What they are doing there is why I have fallen in love with the sport, brutal WOD's, family and team atmosphere, and just a whole lot of fun..... I will be back there at least one more time this week. And anytime I'm back in Homestead this will be my box of choice.
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