“Our workouts are competitive events. The strength and value of CrossFit lies entirely within our dominance of other athletes. This is a truth divined through competition, not debate.”
"For many, the CrossFit community is the biggest draw. The camaraderie and competition are infrequently shared in many environments, but found in abundance in CrossFit."
Took grandma to her silver sneakers class at the YMCA in Homestead today. Snuck in and hit up a brutal arm work-out, and did some rope work, 50 double unders pre & 100 double unders post work out. The post work out was rough, cause my arms were jello. Still had a lot of fun. Can't wait to get back to CrossFit Threshold and get pushed by friends. And I want to Thank the guys back home for Doing the same work-out I did down here. Awesome!!!! I Love it,,,,, Crossfit or Die.
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