Wanted to work on my clean and jerk. Probablt my weakest lift. RH saw me struggling with weight I should kill. Brought the weight back down. Re-set my movement and the transition from clean to jerk. I felt great and gave me a better knowledge of how it should feel and work. Then worked my way back up hit two smooth lifts back to back, up the weight and rest 1 minute in between sets. It was amazing to feel a little more confident in my movement and approach. Robert is an amazing coach, and the longer I coach/ train at CFD the more I see it. By then I was whooped and felt great about it.
10 minute Double Under test: 464
4 rounds for time of
400 mtr run
12 kb swings at 70lbs
21 ring push ups.
My time- 15:55
Was gassed from the cleans and DU, cramped a little in my left quad and swallowed back vomit several times. That being said I really liked the WOD and wasn't to beat up about having to hold back some. Felt great.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
5 x 5 Back Squat
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 305 failed
5 x 300 PR
10 x 225.
I love the strength WODs. Getting there, thanks CF Football.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Another Faaaaast.
So for the past month I've been playing around with my eating habits. I mean I didn't make it to Regionals, so now is the time to fool around with training and eating. Did a 3 day juice fast about three weeks ago, was horrible, glad I did it, but very mentally tough. Then the following week I did a 24hr fast. Not bad at all, felt great the next day and was able to kill a big SWOD and met con at CFP. Today I am doing my second 24hr fast. Its convenient to do them while I'm on shift at station 12, that way I can continue my 2 on one off training schedule, but it can be very tough when every time I fast these guys are eating pizza. Big cheesy, NY style pizza, with garlic bread and wings and soda. If I was eating I wouldn't be fazed, but when I'm purposely starving myself in the name of fitness, and the vainess of my six pack, it can be torture. I do well be just going into the weight room, do some stretching, or reading. Had a cheat meal Friday night which taught me a lesson. Meal consisted of fresh cut and fried potato chips covered in blue cheese, sliced chicken, and balsamic reduction, then some bread with butter, salad with Italian dressing, and a big juicy bacon cheeseburger with french fries, and glass of red wine. Tasted amazing, and was just a little too much food, but felt happy. An hour later I was sweating, cramping and feeling like I should have the two finger dessert. Was able to tough it out and fall asleep, but realized that for almost a year I've been semi Paleo, and for 6 months I've been strict with small cheats, and recently I've been 100% Paleo. And I just can't go all out with a meal without feeling some sort of repercussions. Sucks!!! So I'm fasting, and will start off tomorrow with a big, but clean breakfast , and kill a WOD and set a PR with my 5x5 back squat. I Fucking love CrossFit. I has made me a stronger, faster, more aware human. It still changes my life and amazes me to this day.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
CF Daytona Rx
1000 mtr row
100 double unders
750 mtr row
75 double unders
500 mtr row
50 double unders
250 mtr row
25 double unders
My time- 16:25
Owned the white board. was nice. But MK and RH could have totally had my number. They were off, and didn't hit it as hard as they could've.
100 double unders
750 mtr row
75 double unders
500 mtr row
50 double unders
250 mtr row
25 double unders
My time- 16:25
Owned the white board. was nice. But MK and RH could have totally had my number. They were off, and didn't hit it as hard as they could've.
Worked on snatch. have been stuck at 175 lbs. for a long time. Finally got to body weight. Hit 185 very smooth. Then pulled 190 and failed three time. I have them, just wasn't hitting my mark. Need to keep back tighter on the oull and catch and keep my hips moving forward not back. If you watch the video you 'll see the mistakes.
Then did the CFP Rx WOD.
8 min AMRAP. @ 95lbs.
3 power snatch
6 hang power snatch
9 over head squat.
Did- 5 rounds + 2 hps.
Owned the white board.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
CrossFit FootBall 05/7/10
Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 225
Hand stand holds x 3- 1:06/ 1:21/ 1:28
Max strict chin ups x 3- 15/ 15/ 15
5 rounds for time of
Power Clean x 5 @ 70% of your 1 rep max ( used 165#)
70# kettlebell Farmers carry x 100 mtr
Time- 13:40
Was a good one, and managed all but one of the farmers carries with setting the weight down once each trip at the turn around. Cleans went well, but grip def was the thing that made them feel like work. That and the fact that we did the whole WOD outside and it was pushing 90 degrees and 100% humidity. Fucking gross out. But was a great WOD and Levi on my heels and passing me made it much better. But I did pull it off at the last second.
Hand stand holds x 3- 1:06/ 1:21/ 1:28
Max strict chin ups x 3- 15/ 15/ 15
5 rounds for time of
Power Clean x 5 @ 70% of your 1 rep max ( used 165#)
70# kettlebell Farmers carry x 100 mtr
Time- 13:40
Was a good one, and managed all but one of the farmers carries with setting the weight down once each trip at the turn around. Cleans went well, but grip def was the thing that made them feel like work. That and the fact that we did the whole WOD outside and it was pushing 90 degrees and 100% humidity. Fucking gross out. But was a great WOD and Levi on my heels and passing me made it much better. But I did pull it off at the last second.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Fight Gone Bad... Championship Rounds
5 Rounds w/ 1 minute rest in between rounds
each round is one minute of each movement for reps.
Sumo dead lfit high pull
Box jump
Push press
Rowing (for calories)
Total reps- 426
then 5 x 5 Back Squats @ 225 and handstand walks 40ft.
5 Rounds w/ 1 minute rest in between rounds
each round is one minute of each movement for reps.
Sumo dead lfit high pull
Box jump
Push press
Rowing (for calories)
Total reps- 426
then 5 x 5 Back Squats @ 225 and handstand walks 40ft.
CF Football. Loving it......
7 rounds for time
Dead lift x 3 @ 315
HSPU x 6
Box Jump x 9 @ 24"
13:47...... DID WORK!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
"Dorthy Mantooth is a Saint"
"Dorthy Mantooth is a Saint"
Body Weight Back Squat @ 185 x 20 x 15 x 10 x 5 x 1
Muscle ups x 10 x 7 x 5 x 3 x 1
Time- 16:01
Last muscle up really fucked me...... Stupid.
Body Weight Back Squat @ 185 x 20 x 15 x 10 x 5 x 1
Muscle ups x 10 x 7 x 5 x 3 x 1
Time- 16:01
Last muscle up really fucked me...... Stupid.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Juice Fasting.
3 days
1 juice drink mixture of fruit and veggies for breakfast
1 juice drink mostly veggies and little fruit for dinner
Lots of water
Some Detox tea and little Green tea to get going in the morning.
4/28/10- 188lbs
It hasn't been to bad. I mean I feel pretty good, a little cranky, and sluggish, but the hunger hasn't gotten bad yet. The crew decided to make a big breakfast today of all days and the whole station smells like bacon. There is even a plate of left over bacon sitting on the counter. They have also decided to make it a pizza night (one of my all time favorite foods), and they will proceed to devour slice after delicious slice this evening. I will be reading, listening to music, anything to make the time past. Tommorow will be worse.
3 days
1 juice drink mixture of fruit and veggies for breakfast
1 juice drink mostly veggies and little fruit for dinner
Lots of water
Some Detox tea and little Green tea to get going in the morning.
4/28/10- 188lbs
It hasn't been to bad. I mean I feel pretty good, a little cranky, and sluggish, but the hunger hasn't gotten bad yet. The crew decided to make a big breakfast today of all days and the whole station smells like bacon. There is even a plate of left over bacon sitting on the counter. They have also decided to make it a pizza night (one of my all time favorite foods), and they will proceed to devour slice after delicious slice this evening. I will be reading, listening to music, anything to make the time past. Tommorow will be worse.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tabata Whatever You Got!!
Push up-91
Sit ups-90
Bench press @ 95lbs-61
Then some good stretching and breathing exercise. Felt good. Need to do something, although we did quit a bit of training in gear this morning. Happy to Tabata.......
Push up-91
Sit ups-90
Bench press @ 95lbs-61
Then some good stretching and breathing exercise. Felt good. Need to do something, although we did quit a bit of training in gear this morning. Happy to Tabata.......
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Still tight and sore from this week. Spent a good half-hour stretching, working on back, hamstrings, opening up the hips, and core. Felt great, worked up a little sweat and needed it big time. Woke up feeling great.
Sore but wanted to do Something....
Body Weight Back Squat @185
Sets of 20-15-10-5
Bench 1-1-1-1-1 @ 275
and 21-15-9 (not for time)
Ring Dips
Toe 2 Bar
20"Box Jumps
Was a good to move and work it out
Sets of 20-15-10-5
Bench 1-1-1-1-1 @ 275
and 21-15-9 (not for time)
Ring Dips
Toe 2 Bar
20"Box Jumps
Was a good to move and work it out
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Looking for a PR
Dead Lift
Work up to 1 rep max.
My #-445 lb.
What a mind fuck. Put on weight didn't realize a set of 45lb plates were really 35lb plates. Stupid mistake. Thought I'd worked up to 465,,, hit 445. PR by 5lbs. either way. I want more. Then
3 rounds of
315# dead lift
50 mtr sprint
25 sit ups
3 min rest between rounds.
Not sure of my times but after round one I droped the weight to 275. The objective was to keep the rounds around 2min each. My last two were about 2-2:15. All and all a good WOD, fun and challenging.
Work up to 1 rep max.
My #-445 lb.
What a mind fuck. Put on weight didn't realize a set of 45lb plates were really 35lb plates. Stupid mistake. Thought I'd worked up to 465,,, hit 445. PR by 5lbs. either way. I want more. Then
3 rounds of
315# dead lift
50 mtr sprint
25 sit ups
3 min rest between rounds.
Not sure of my times but after round one I droped the weight to 275. The objective was to keep the rounds around 2min each. My last two were about 2-2:15. All and all a good WOD, fun and challenging.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Back Squats
Back Squat
5 x 5
My #s- 225, 245, 255, 265, 275
500 mtr Row x 4
3 min rest between rds.
My times- 1:43.7/ 1:44.2/ 1:42.0/ 1:45.4
Felt great. Hitting more squats, going big all the time, and more agressive rows.
5 x 5
My #s- 225, 245, 255, 265, 275
500 mtr Row x 4
3 min rest between rds.
My times- 1:43.7/ 1:44.2/ 1:42.0/ 1:45.4
Felt great. Hitting more squats, going big all the time, and more agressive rows.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
CF Football 4/16/10
5 x 5 Hang Power Clean
Really wanted to work on form. Felt great, but after reviewing video (which I accidently erased) saw that my hips slightly raise right as I begin my lift. Trying to work on keeping hip and lumbar alignment throughout the lift.Then...
5 rounds 2 min between rounds of @ 70% of 3 rep work.
3 high pulls
3 PP
3 PJ
3 GM
Went very well. The weight started to catch up around 4th round. Was fun, and good repitition work. Doing CFF with Levi is a blast...... Shitty I lost the video,,, I was good, and a great teaching tool.....
Really wanted to work on form. Felt great, but after reviewing video (which I accidently erased) saw that my hips slightly raise right as I begin my lift. Trying to work on keeping hip and lumbar alignment throughout the lift.Then...
5 rounds 2 min between rounds of @ 70% of 3 rep work.
3 high pulls
3 PP
3 PJ
3 GM
Went very well. The weight started to catch up around 4th round. Was fun, and good repitition work. Doing CFF with Levi is a blast...... Shitty I lost the video,,, I was good, and a great teaching tool.....
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ole Willy from CFP
Ole Willy
AMRAP 8 min.
225lb deadlift x 5
24" box jump suicides 3 box
20lb ballslam x 7
My #- 6 rounds dl, bj, and 4 bs.
Was very fun. Great combo of moves and just the right weight. Box jumps mixed with the deadlift is key, and throwing in the ballslam breaks up the two but gives no added relief. Loved it, want 7+ next time......
AMRAP 8 min.
225lb deadlift x 5
24" box jump suicides 3 box
20lb ballslam x 7
My #- 6 rounds dl, bj, and 4 bs.
Was very fun. Great combo of moves and just the right weight. Box jumps mixed with the deadlift is key, and throwing in the ballslam breaks up the two but gives no added relief. Loved it, want 7+ next time......
My #'s - 185x5 ; 195x3 ; 215x1
I think I could keep going, CF football is paying off in dividends, with all the lower body strength work. Will keep working till failure, and not worry about the upcoming shenaniggans..... Felt great. Will hit a front squat, back squat, ohsq every week. Love building from the ground up.
My #'s - 185x5 ; 195x3 ; 215x1
I think I could keep going, CF football is paying off in dividends, with all the lower body strength work. Will keep working till failure, and not worry about the upcoming shenaniggans..... Felt great. Will hit a front squat, back squat, ohsq every week. Love building from the ground up.
Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Worked up 185lb. PR.
Could keep going, will try and keep setting PR's till I reach my OHSQ #'s.... Felt good. Great coach from RH. Thanks Bro.......
Worked up 185lb. PR.
Could keep going, will try and keep setting PR's till I reach my OHSQ #'s.... Felt good. Great coach from RH. Thanks Bro.......
Monday, April 12, 2010
For Time:
1000mtr Row
1.5 pood kb swings
45lb thrusters
My time- 8:45
Should've been more aggressive with my row. Everything else unbroken and was strong. Not bad. Love the new box.....
1000mtr Row
1.5 pood kb swings
45lb thrusters
My time- 8:45
Should've been more aggressive with my row. Everything else unbroken and was strong. Not bad. Love the new box.....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beach WOD
3 rounds
10x burpee
10x slam ball
10x kb swing
with a partner, 3 rounds for time
one round completed when both players have completed the couplet
100m uneven farmer carry 53/35
This was a ton of fun. Hope we can do these all summer long. WODing in the sand is great and tough. Legs are cashed.
3 rounds
10x burpee
10x slam ball
10x kb swing
with a partner, 3 rounds for time
one round completed when both players have completed the couplet
100m uneven farmer carry 53/35
100m lunge w/35 kb
max kb swings
200m sprint
Me and JB- 9:30
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Now I do Annie,,, that slut.
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Time-6:07 PR.
And a load of bullshit. Wanted more. Sub 6 minutes will be mine. I'm doing Annie once a week till I catch up with MK. I really don't see how she does it. I think she hit 5:15 yesterday...... fucking owned it. I want it. Then.
4 rounds for time:
400 mtr run
21 thrusters (bar)
9 burpees
Time- 15:26
Went well. The run turned a little into a shuffle a points, still working on that. Was able to steady roll through it though. Lower back was very tight, not sure why.
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Time-6:07 PR.
And a load of bullshit. Wanted more. Sub 6 minutes will be mine. I'm doing Annie once a week till I catch up with MK. I really don't see how she does it. I think she hit 5:15 yesterday...... fucking owned it. I want it. Then.
4 rounds for time:
400 mtr run
21 thrusters (bar)
9 burpees
Time- 15:26
Went well. The run turned a little into a shuffle a points, still working on that. Was able to steady roll through it though. Lower back was very tight, not sure why.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wish I'd Done Annie
For Time:
500 mtr Row
150 Double unders
50 Burpees
Time-9:41 Totally could kill this if I try again. My DU where horrible. Couldn't string together more than 15-20 in a row. Finished the row around 1:40 I think and was able to push throught the burpees pretty good. Would like another shot at this one.
3x5 weighted Pull ups at 50lbs
3x15 reverse rowers.
2000 mtr row- 7:57.3 ( can totally kill that too)
500 mtr Row
150 Double unders
50 Burpees
Time-9:41 Totally could kill this if I try again. My DU where horrible. Couldn't string together more than 15-20 in a row. Finished the row around 1:40 I think and was able to push throught the burpees pretty good. Would like another shot at this one.
3x5 weighted Pull ups at 50lbs
3x15 reverse rowers.
2000 mtr row- 7:57.3 ( can totally kill that too)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Heavy Weight Moving Fast
ARAMP in 15 Min.
315 Deadlift 5 reps.
10 Toe to Bar
8 rounds even. This was a good one. 315 was the perfect weight for me and my t2b were smooth. Had a real good rythem and stayed steady. Coulda' had one more round if some one was pushing me, but happy all the same.
SWOD- 8x2 Power snatch @ 155. Felt good, maybe go heavier next time, nit sure about form, but Robert didn't correct me at all so maybe they were okay.
315 Deadlift 5 reps.
10 Toe to Bar
8 rounds even. This was a good one. 315 was the perfect weight for me and my t2b were smooth. Had a real good rythem and stayed steady. Coulda' had one more round if some one was pushing me, but happy all the same.
SWOD- 8x2 Power snatch @ 155. Felt good, maybe go heavier next time, nit sure about form, but Robert didn't correct me at all so maybe they were okay.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Strength WOD, and Then an Oldie (Diane)
Squat 3x10 @ 70% of 5 RM
Press 5 RM
Did the work at 185.... wanted to go heavier, but doing as ~ Rx is okay too. Press was 135#, could've gone bigger, but got right into the main site WOD.
Diane- 21-15-9 for time of:
Deadlift 225
Handstand Push ups
My time- 10:54
A PR I think, have to check. Done as Rx, deads were light, hspu went okay. still need to do them on the regular. Dialing in diet will help, get off this extra weight. Was fun though. Great combonation of moves.
Press 5 RM
Did the work at 185.... wanted to go heavier, but doing as ~ Rx is okay too. Press was 135#, could've gone bigger, but got right into the main site WOD.
Diane- 21-15-9 for time of:
Deadlift 225
Handstand Push ups
My time- 10:54
A PR I think, have to check. Done as Rx, deads were light, hspu went okay. still need to do them on the regular. Dialing in diet will help, get off this extra weight. Was fun though. Great combonation of moves.
Shorty But Goody...
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
3 Front Squats 185 lbs
8 Strict Dips
My time- 9:01
Front Squats Weren't too bad. They were a great combination with the ring dips. Was able to push right through, but did the WOD solo at Cf Daytona and would've been more aggressive if I had a partner. Still loving CF Football.
3 Front Squats 185 lbs
8 Strict Dips
My time- 9:01
Front Squats Weren't too bad. They were a great combination with the ring dips. Was able to push right through, but did the WOD solo at Cf Daytona and would've been more aggressive if I had a partner. Still loving CF Football.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
And it Begins
Well my diet really hit the shitter for the whole week + of 3/15 - 3/22. I ate like I was gonna die, and didn't do much as far as any WODs or lifting. Started a strict Paloe regiem yesterday got in my first taste of intensity after class. Did the basline stats for CF Daytona, being that everyone is keeping to a 30 day paleo challenge.
500m Row-1:31.2
max push ups-50 (weak sauce)
Helen-9:24 (everything unbroken, but equally weak)
I def. feel these days of drinks and food and excess. Building back up. Keeping strict with my CF Football strength work, and following WODs from the mian site, or CF Daytonas Rx stuff. Here is the begining
Complete 3 sets of:
10 Rep Squat (5 RM)
*Use your 5 RM squat for this workout.
*Perform as many reps as possible...put the bar in the rack..rest..do another rep and continue till you get 10 total reps.
225#. Not my 5 rep max. Kinds thought it was close, but it wasn't. Hit 6 and 4, 6 and 4, and then 10 straight. So didn't really accomplish the goal of the WOD, but hey its a start.
500m Row-1:31.2
max push ups-50 (weak sauce)
Helen-9:24 (everything unbroken, but equally weak)
I def. feel these days of drinks and food and excess. Building back up. Keeping strict with my CF Football strength work, and following WODs from the mian site, or CF Daytonas Rx stuff. Here is the begining
Complete 3 sets of:
10 Rep Squat (5 RM)
*Use your 5 RM squat for this workout.
*Perform as many reps as possible...put the bar in the rack..rest..do another rep and continue till you get 10 total reps.
225#. Not my 5 rep max. Kinds thought it was close, but it wasn't. Hit 6 and 4, 6 and 4, and then 10 straight. So didn't really accomplish the goal of the WOD, but hey its a start.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
8x400 with 90 sec rest in between each.
19:26. Nothing to compare it with, but it sucked. Plus there was a serious head wind on the back half which ends in sand. Stupid right. With 10:30 minutes of rest alotted my actual running time was 8:56 for 2 miles. Sounds good if you put it that way.
215lb clean and jerk. Was not a PR, and I am still not getting under the bar. Could have so much more, but need to work on it. Wrecking my wrists is having a mental as well as physical screw on me. Bullshit!!!..
Draged tire too. Tough after those sprints.
19:26. Nothing to compare it with, but it sucked. Plus there was a serious head wind on the back half which ends in sand. Stupid right. With 10:30 minutes of rest alotted my actual running time was 8:56 for 2 miles. Sounds good if you put it that way.
215lb clean and jerk. Was not a PR, and I am still not getting under the bar. Could have so much more, but need to work on it. Wrecking my wrists is having a mental as well as physical screw on me. Bullshit!!!..
Draged tire too. Tough after those sprints.
2 min drill
Deadlift 315lbs AMRAP in 2 minutes:
24 reps. Went into it with a game plan. Reps of 5, till I can't any more. It worked beter than last time when I did 9 straight and it slowed me down so much I finished with 19.
24 reps. Went into it with a game plan. Reps of 5, till I can't any more. It worked beter than last time when I did 9 straight and it slowed me down so much I finished with 19.
Snatch 1 rep max
Worked up to 175. Almost body weight. With more practice I will surpass it. Just need to do it more often,,, plus it looks pretty ugly right know.
Worked up to 175. Almost body weight. With more practice I will surpass it. Just need to do it more often,,, plus it looks pretty ugly right know.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monkey Grip
5 Rope Climb 15 ft.
50 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball
My time-15:26
Still not able to consistently get the rope locked between feet. Luckly upper body and grip keep me from totally sucking ass. All of our jump ropes have broken and we are left with a weighted rope that wooped me literally, have the welts to prove it. Wall ball with a sand filled basketball isn't quite as forgiving as a dyna max or slam ball, but it works. Kept moving, and pushed through it. Happy to start the day off with that bad boy, whats next????
5 Rope Climb 15 ft.
50 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball
My time-15:26
Still not able to consistently get the rope locked between feet. Luckly upper body and grip keep me from totally sucking ass. All of our jump ropes have broken and we are left with a weighted rope that wooped me literally, have the welts to prove it. Wall ball with a sand filled basketball isn't quite as forgiving as a dyna max or slam ball, but it works. Kept moving, and pushed through it. Happy to start the day off with that bad boy, whats next????
To Finish Fast
For Completion
3 rounds
8 Jumping Back Squats 105# with 20# chains
2 min AirDyne 20 calorie minimum
3minute rest
3 rounds
8 Split Legs 120# Sandbag
2 min Row 40 calorie minimum
3minute rest
3 rounds
10 Burpee Pull ups
1 min FLR w/ rings and 20in box
This was an awesome WOD. Def. one for those who want to push themselves, and are into some serious lactic acid build up. Was glad to have TG and RH there to keep me moving and pushing. Anything with sandbags are my new favorite. They just don't bullshit you, either you can or can't. Came into it with my legs a little jacked from the heavy back squats with Dave and the air squates with Nick. This was just the icing on the cake.
3 rounds
8 Jumping Back Squats 105# with 20# chains
2 min AirDyne 20 calorie minimum
3minute rest
3 rounds
8 Split Legs 120# Sandbag
2 min Row 40 calorie minimum
3minute rest
3 rounds
10 Burpee Pull ups
1 min FLR w/ rings and 20in box
This was an awesome WOD. Def. one for those who want to push themselves, and are into some serious lactic acid build up. Was glad to have TG and RH there to keep me moving and pushing. Anything with sandbags are my new favorite. They just don't bullshit you, either you can or can't. Came into it with my legs a little jacked from the heavy back squats with Dave and the air squates with Nick. This was just the icing on the cake.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Linda aka Three bars of DEATH!!!!!!!
Deadlift 1.5 body weight @ 270#
Bench Press body weight @ 180#
Clean .75 body weight @ 135#
My time-15:48
Killed it. Deadlift was tough, but no bar staring or bullshitting. Picked up the weight, dropped it, and picked that bar up right away. Bench press was unbroken every set. Next time I will up the weight on the bench. And the cleans actually felt really light since we've been hitting so many heavy cleans at cf daytona these past few weeks. Charged right through that shit, and was able to walk the line of intensity. All this hard work shows up when challenged and it feels good. Love it. WOD it like you stole it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deadlift 1.5 body weight @ 270#
Bench Press body weight @ 180#
Clean .75 body weight @ 135#
My time-15:48
Killed it. Deadlift was tough, but no bar staring or bullshitting. Picked up the weight, dropped it, and picked that bar up right away. Bench press was unbroken every set. Next time I will up the weight on the bench. And the cleans actually felt really light since we've been hitting so many heavy cleans at cf daytona these past few weeks. Charged right through that shit, and was able to walk the line of intensity. All this hard work shows up when challenged and it feels good. Love it. WOD it like you stole it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sand is for Dummies
5 rft or 10 min. which ever comes first.
2 muscle up
4 sandbag get ups 120#
8 GHD sit ups
My time-10:28
Time ran out but I just finished it cause it was a fun WOD. Love these sand bags. There is no give to them you have to have the strength to play with them at all. Know if I di it again I will finish in time. My kind of work!!!!
2 muscle up
4 sandbag get ups 120#
8 GHD sit ups
My time-10:28
Time ran out but I just finished it cause it was a fun WOD. Love these sand bags. There is no give to them you have to have the strength to play with them at all. Know if I di it again I will finish in time. My kind of work!!!!
4x400 meter sprints
3 min rest between runs
My #s- :52-:57-:52-:59
Felt great. Ran with RH and Levi. Helped push me hard. First three rounds was on RH's heels till the end and sprinted right up to him. Helps me to stalk someone. On round four I was able to push all out and take the heat solo. Like this one.
3 min rest between runs
My #s- :52-:57-:52-:59
Felt great. Ran with RH and Levi. Helped push me hard. First three rounds was on RH's heels till the end and sprinted right up to him. Helps me to stalk someone. On round four I was able to push all out and take the heat solo. Like this one.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tabata Your F*%#ing Mom
Tabata Mash-up
Kettlebell Swings 53lb= 87
Ring Dips= 59
Push Press 30lb= 70
Push Ups= 52
Damn this taxed my tricepts. Really felt it when I went to the P.Press and P. ups. They really sucked, especially when those are normally strong moves for me. No rest in between movements, didn't realize there was a 1 min perscribed rest in between each. Better that I just went balls out. Post WOD did 100 abmat sit ups and several minutes of planks. Was good work all in all. Wish I'd had the initiative to have done some heavy lifting in the a.m. Slept like shit and took a 3 hr nap after lunch. Screw it, I needed the rest. Rest day tomorrow, and then hard work all next week. Gonna bring it crazy. Diet has been locked down for the most part, normally very easy to keep it clean here at work, but its Kellers last day here so they bought Cheesecake and Keylime pie. Fuck it right,one piece won't kill me. Try to keep it to that one.
Kettlebell Swings 53lb= 87
Ring Dips= 59
Push Press 30lb= 70
Push Ups= 52
Damn this taxed my tricepts. Really felt it when I went to the P.Press and P. ups. They really sucked, especially when those are normally strong moves for me. No rest in between movements, didn't realize there was a 1 min perscribed rest in between each. Better that I just went balls out. Post WOD did 100 abmat sit ups and several minutes of planks. Was good work all in all. Wish I'd had the initiative to have done some heavy lifting in the a.m. Slept like shit and took a 3 hr nap after lunch. Screw it, I needed the rest. Rest day tomorrow, and then hard work all next week. Gonna bring it crazy. Diet has been locked down for the most part, normally very easy to keep it clean here at work, but its Kellers last day here so they bought Cheesecake and Keylime pie. Fuck it right,one piece won't kill me. Try to keep it to that one.
Did Work
Worked up to 1 rep max C/J
215# twice. No PR (225). Lack of intensity. Was at box alone, except for my dog, who just stared at me while I cursed and yelled while I failed with 225 three times. Fuck it. Not my day to hit it. Then.
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Weighted pull-ups @ 50#.
21/21 GHD sit-ups/ Double unders 3 rounds
Taught the 4, 5, 6, pm classes. Went well, but a little crowded for the programing. Nick is fresh of his Oly cert and was more than happy to help out and put the classes through a proper Bergner Warm-up. Went over some simple things to always remember when lifting overhead. Was fun to have another coach with me, and to have the box all to ourselves after all the classes were over. Sara stuck around to watch how its really done.
3 rft
500 mtr row
135# c/j x 12
95# thrusters x 15
My time-15:30
Felt good, love hitting WODs with Nick. He keeps me hungry and on my toes. Sara was impressed. Not a lot of new crossfitters see people go into the black. A very productive day. Did work, worked, and loved all of it.
215# twice. No PR (225). Lack of intensity. Was at box alone, except for my dog, who just stared at me while I cursed and yelled while I failed with 225 three times. Fuck it. Not my day to hit it. Then.
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Weighted pull-ups @ 50#.
21/21 GHD sit-ups/ Double unders 3 rounds
Taught the 4, 5, 6, pm classes. Went well, but a little crowded for the programing. Nick is fresh of his Oly cert and was more than happy to help out and put the classes through a proper Bergner Warm-up. Went over some simple things to always remember when lifting overhead. Was fun to have another coach with me, and to have the box all to ourselves after all the classes were over. Sara stuck around to watch how its really done.
3 rft
500 mtr row
135# c/j x 12
95# thrusters x 15
My time-15:30
Felt good, love hitting WODs with Nick. He keeps me hungry and on my toes. Sara was impressed. Not a lot of new crossfitters see people go into the black. A very productive day. Did work, worked, and loved all of it.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
2010 Garage Games
Day 1
WOD 1 @ 9am
7k “ish” Trail Run-31:14 (34th place)
WOD 2 @ 11am
Adv Men: 15 Mins, 10 – 2 pood KB, 45FT, 10 – 20# WB-160 reps (37th place)
WOD 3 @ 2:45pm
Sandbag Carry
120# up a hill, 10 cleans, run it down the hill, drop it and dead-lift 315# 20 times-9:16 (40th place)
Day 2
WOD 11am
Overhead and Run
10 – 135# ground to overhead anyhow, 20 sit-ups, 600M run; 10- 2 Pood KB Swings, 20 burpees, 600M run; then do it all again.-22:28 (38th place)
I finished 38th out of 55 in the advanced division. Most challenging and amazing weekend ever. Loved every painful moment of it, even more than I thought I would. Felt great that I didn't crumple under the pressure to preform. This was a good taste of what sectionlas will be like. Now I have several weeks to get to that pinacle of my ability. Wish I had more time to prepare, but can't wait for it to come all at the same time. I have fallen in love with CF even more than before, if thats possible. My CF Daytona family has really become a solid rock in my life. They never make me feel out of place, or doubt my ability. They build me up, push me, and give me a shoulder to lean on when its hard to keep going. I feel very strongly about the people I train with and want them to know how much it means to me that they are there for me, and that they allow me to be a part of their lives. Thank you all, the members, my fellow athletes and trainers. I know have a family here in my new home Crossfit Daytona.
WOD 1 @ 9am
7k “ish” Trail Run-31:14 (34th place)
WOD 2 @ 11am
Adv Men: 15 Mins, 10 – 2 pood KB, 45FT, 10 – 20# WB-160 reps (37th place)
WOD 3 @ 2:45pm
Sandbag Carry
120# up a hill, 10 cleans, run it down the hill, drop it and dead-lift 315# 20 times-9:16 (40th place)
Day 2
WOD 11am
Overhead and Run
10 – 135# ground to overhead anyhow, 20 sit-ups, 600M run; 10- 2 Pood KB Swings, 20 burpees, 600M run; then do it all again.-22:28 (38th place)
I finished 38th out of 55 in the advanced division. Most challenging and amazing weekend ever. Loved every painful moment of it, even more than I thought I would. Felt great that I didn't crumple under the pressure to preform. This was a good taste of what sectionlas will be like. Now I have several weeks to get to that pinacle of my ability. Wish I had more time to prepare, but can't wait for it to come all at the same time. I have fallen in love with CF even more than before, if thats possible. My CF Daytona family has really become a solid rock in my life. They never make me feel out of place, or doubt my ability. They build me up, push me, and give me a shoulder to lean on when its hard to keep going. I feel very strongly about the people I train with and want them to know how much it means to me that they are there for me, and that they allow me to be a part of their lives. Thank you all, the members, my fellow athletes and trainers. I know have a family here in my new home Crossfit Daytona.
We are Crossfit. It will change your life if you let it.
•In a sense, CrossFit is a gift. It's a gift we've all been given by someone, a friend, a family member, someone you run into in the grocery store. It's a gift we need to pass on. It's the desire to pass on this gift that has me seeking affiliation.
•I have trouble remembering the person that I was prior to that as it [CrossFit] has changed my life and who I am so profoundly. Over the past 3+ years I have had the pleasure of sharing my love of CrossFit with literally hundreds of people.
•It's not even just our own CrossFit box. It's a chance for us to promote change and growth in each other. It's a chance for us to share our knowledge and passion with others, and give back to the community we grew up in and have grown to love. We thank you for giving us that chance.
•I have trouble remembering the person that I was prior to that as it [CrossFit] has changed my life and who I am so profoundly. Over the past 3+ years I have had the pleasure of sharing my love of CrossFit with literally hundreds of people.
•It's not even just our own CrossFit box. It's a chance for us to promote change and growth in each other. It's a chance for us to share our knowledge and passion with others, and give back to the community we grew up in and have grown to love. We thank you for giving us that chance.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Seafood Salad
1/2 lb sea scallops
1/4 lb prawns
1/5 lb flounder
Organic baby spinach
Organic romain lettuce
red onion
grape tomatoes
1/2 apple
2 tbl sp walnuts
2 tbl sp almonds
sea salt & fresh cracked pepper (to taste)
Old Bay seasoning
Lemon sliced in half
Slice flounder into 1 in. slices and set aside. Season scallops and cleaned prawns lightly with bay seasoning, salt/pepp and a splash of olive oil. Heat large skillet to med/hi and let heat. Prepare salad. 4 chopped romain lettuce leaves, over a bed of spinach. Diced red onion, apple, and tomatoes only cut in halves. Toaste nuts with a dash of olive oil in small skillet, med heat. The large skillet should be hot by now. Quickly spray some nonstick oil or a splash of oil on the skillet and add the scallops and prawns. Once in pan don't touch and allow to cook on what ever side they land for no more than 2 min. Meanwhile throw the sliced fish into the same container as the other seafood was in and slide around to lightly season. Flip scallops and prawns. One more minute cooking and take out scallops. Add fish and toss the fish and prawns togther cooking for no more than 4 min. Take 1/2 lemon squeeze of salad and drizzle olive oil over salad, top with sea food, and nuts. Salt and pepper to tast an squeeze the other half of lemon over everything. Done, serve while still warm. Yum Scrum....
1/4 lb prawns
1/5 lb flounder
Organic baby spinach
Organic romain lettuce
red onion
grape tomatoes
1/2 apple
2 tbl sp walnuts
2 tbl sp almonds
sea salt & fresh cracked pepper (to taste)
Old Bay seasoning
Lemon sliced in half
Slice flounder into 1 in. slices and set aside. Season scallops and cleaned prawns lightly with bay seasoning, salt/pepp and a splash of olive oil. Heat large skillet to med/hi and let heat. Prepare salad. 4 chopped romain lettuce leaves, over a bed of spinach. Diced red onion, apple, and tomatoes only cut in halves. Toaste nuts with a dash of olive oil in small skillet, med heat. The large skillet should be hot by now. Quickly spray some nonstick oil or a splash of oil on the skillet and add the scallops and prawns. Once in pan don't touch and allow to cook on what ever side they land for no more than 2 min. Meanwhile throw the sliced fish into the same container as the other seafood was in and slide around to lightly season. Flip scallops and prawns. One more minute cooking and take out scallops. Add fish and toss the fish and prawns togther cooking for no more than 4 min. Take 1/2 lemon squeeze of salad and drizzle olive oil over salad, top with sea food, and nuts. Salt and pepper to tast an squeeze the other half of lemon over everything. Done, serve while still warm. Yum Scrum....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Not my words, but definity my emotions and beliefs.....
I am a world class coach. I See to it that you master those movements life requires. I use squats, deadlifts, pushes, presses, and pulls in many different combinations. I train your heart and lungs to run, jump, row, bike, and swim hard and fast. I train your muscles to lift large loads over long distances quickly. I train your mind to see challenges as opportunities for improvement and train your spirit to push through the quit. I will give you the feedback you need to make the most of your potential. My tools are a whiteboard and a stopwatch. I say 3-2-1-Go
Work out Mix tape
Coming to my classes with some new off the hook hip-hop mix. Hope Heavy Metal Fitness is ready to get a little Ghetto.........
Monday, February 1, 2010
Drop Kick Murphy
For Reps:
10 min HSPU=36
5 min Squats=174
2 min Pull-ups=59
1 min Push-ups=50
Very happy with the effort. HSPU have come so far in just one month. Sucked it up with the squats and did them Tabata style. Wanted 60 for my pull ups and 60 for my push ups. But kicked it till muscle failure and that's all I can ask for.
10 min HSPU=36
5 min Squats=174
2 min Pull-ups=59
1 min Push-ups=50
Very happy with the effort. HSPU have come so far in just one month. Sucked it up with the squats and did them Tabata style. Wanted 60 for my pull ups and 60 for my push ups. But kicked it till muscle failure and that's all I can ask for.
Just Plain Old Fun?
5 rft:
155lb clean & jerk x 5
muscle-ups x 5
400 mtr run
My time-19:06
Par 20 min. happy with that. Wish my wrists were healed so I could've made those thrusters as Rx. But C/J was a good sub. Was able to make the run a run and not a weak shuffle. I have to pass that pain threshold mentally. Make myself just fucking RUN........ This was the WOD#1 of the day.
155lb clean & jerk x 5
muscle-ups x 5
400 mtr run
My time-19:06
Par 20 min. happy with that. Wish my wrists were healed so I could've made those thrusters as Rx. But C/J was a good sub. Was able to make the run a run and not a weak shuffle. I have to pass that pain threshold mentally. Make myself just fucking RUN........ This was the WOD#1 of the day.
Friday, January 29, 2010
CFT modified
Bench press 1=295
Clean 1=225 PR (power clean, for wrist caution)
OHSQ 1= 205 hit no problem, but was done for the day..... Very happy with the work and the power cleans felt great.
Clean 1=225 PR (power clean, for wrist caution)
OHSQ 1= 205 hit no problem, but was done for the day..... Very happy with the work and the power cleans felt great.
3 rft:
135 clean and jerk x 10
15 reverse sit ups
My time-5:47
First time I tested my wrists. Felt great and was def. a warm up for one part of event 4 of the GG. Was able to keep moving. Will be able to push it with the 135 overhead....
135 clean and jerk x 10
15 reverse sit ups
My time-5:47
First time I tested my wrists. Felt great and was def. a warm up for one part of event 4 of the GG. Was able to keep moving. Will be able to push it with the 135 overhead....
100 Burpees for fun
Nick and I did 100 burpees clapping on a ring 3 feet overhead, 1 for 1. No time, just as fast as we could. Never missed a beat. Good way to start off the day. Fun!
Your a Tabata
Tabata row for calories -68
1 min rest
Tabata push press (50lb) -39
1 min rest
Tabata box jump -105
1 min rest
Tabata airdyne (max effort)
Saw the people on the white board I needed to beat and was able to dig deep.
1 min rest
Tabata push press (50lb) -39
1 min rest
Tabata box jump -105
1 min rest
Tabata airdyne (max effort)
Saw the people on the white board I needed to beat and was able to dig deep.
1000 mtr row
50 thrusters (45lbs)
30 pull ups
My time- 7:50
Did real well. Able to go 20-10-10-5-5 thrusters. Should've finished with all 10 unbroken, but thought I needed to breath.... stupid. Pull ups went well. Still happy with the effort. Then went in for another dip.... Tabata.
50 thrusters (45lbs)
30 pull ups
My time- 7:50
Did real well. Able to go 20-10-10-5-5 thrusters. Should've finished with all 10 unbroken, but thought I needed to breath.... stupid. Pull ups went well. Still happy with the effort. Then went in for another dip.... Tabata.
Gut Bomb
4 rtf.
25 double unders
20 sit ups
15 pull ups
10 tgu (35lbs)
5 kb swings (2 pood)
400 mtr run
My time-24:34
Felt great. Tried to push the run. Everything else was fine. TGU x 10 are a bitch, but do able. Maybe I would've been faster with someone to try and catch. Thought my time was good, then saw Cats....... enough said.
25 double unders
20 sit ups
15 pull ups
10 tgu (35lbs)
5 kb swings (2 pood)
400 mtr run
My time-24:34
Felt great. Tried to push the run. Everything else was fine. TGU x 10 are a bitch, but do able. Maybe I would've been faster with someone to try and catch. Thought my time was good, then saw Cats....... enough said.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Nice and quick
Sumo Dead lift High Pull (115lbs)
Single leg Renegade Rowers (50lbs)
my time- 5:04
Wanted to use thrusters but my stupid wrists are still fucked up. Not sure what I'm gonna do about this. They only bother me when they are hyper extended under a load. My HSPU are there. Was knocking out sets of 4-5-6 right after the WOD. Loving it.
Sumo Dead lift High Pull (115lbs)
Single leg Renegade Rowers (50lbs)
my time- 5:04
Wanted to use thrusters but my stupid wrists are still fucked up. Not sure what I'm gonna do about this. They only bother me when they are hyper extended under a load. My HSPU are there. Was knocking out sets of 4-5-6 right after the WOD. Loving it.
Dead Lifts
Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3
PR by 10lbs. Felt good. Still a little scared to go bigger fast. But liked it. Repping out big weight can be a little scary.
PR by 10lbs. Felt good. Still a little scared to go bigger fast. But liked it. Repping out big weight can be a little scary.
Burpee and Row
5 rft
500 mtr row
10 burpees:
My time- 15:09
A real burner. Was fun, liked the pair together. Legs, hips, back. Will try this one again.
500 mtr row
10 burpees:
My time- 15:09
A real burner. Was fun, liked the pair together. Legs, hips, back. Will try this one again.
21 and 21
3 rounds of
21 weighted pull-ups (30lbs)
21 GHD sit-ups
Plus fooled around with my OHS. Wasn't my best showing.
21 weighted pull-ups (30lbs)
21 GHD sit-ups
Plus fooled around with my OHS. Wasn't my best showing.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Event one for GG (first try)
10 kb swings (2 pood)
120 mtr run
10 wall ball (20 lb)
120 mtr run
My #s- 6 rds + kb + 60 mtr
Gotta run when it hurts. Gotta pick those feet up, push faster.... I want this bad....
10 kb swings (2 pood)
120 mtr run
10 wall ball (20 lb)
120 mtr run
My #s- 6 rds + kb + 60 mtr
Gotta run when it hurts. Gotta pick those feet up, push faster.... I want this bad....
Triplet and then some
For time
500 mtr row
3 rounds of
25 kb swings (1.5 pood)
15 slam ball (20lb)
10 burpees
400 mtr run
My time-11:56
Was one minute behind Robert. I wanted that one bad. Went balls out, but should hit those last swings unbroken. Gotta dig deeper to not ever stop. Liked it, time was very good, but want to catch him with these ones.
500 mtr row
3 rounds of
25 kb swings (1.5 pood)
15 slam ball (20lb)
10 burpees
400 mtr run
My time-11:56
Was one minute behind Robert. I wanted that one bad. Went balls out, but should hit those last swings unbroken. Gotta dig deeper to not ever stop. Liked it, time was very good, but want to catch him with these ones.
3 rounds for time
800 mtr run
50 back extensions
50 GHD sit-ups:
My time- 26:10
Never did this one before and don't know many who have. Just cause it sucks and kinda makes you feel sick cause of all the up and down and all the blood rushes to your head. Was happy I did it though. And was able to still push it pretty hard even though I was alone. Maybe because I just wanted it to be over....
3 rounds for time
800 mtr run
50 back extensions
50 GHD sit-ups:
My time- 26:10
Never did this one before and don't know many who have. Just cause it sucks and kinda makes you feel sick cause of all the up and down and all the blood rushes to your head. Was happy I did it though. And was able to still push it pretty hard even though I was alone. Maybe because I just wanted it to be over....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Body weight bench press max reps
Pull-ups max reps
5 rounds, for reps:
My #-203
This is a 23 rep increase from last time, the bench virtually the same, but my pull-ups have gotten much stronger. Considering this was # 3 WOD, and my grip was totally shot. Very happy with my numbers. And my hands stayed in one piece. Nice.....
315 lb dead lift max reps in 2 min. 19. 4 more since Oct. 20 should be coming soon.
Body weight bench press max reps
Pull-ups max reps
5 rounds, for reps:
My #-203
This is a 23 rep increase from last time, the bench virtually the same, but my pull-ups have gotten much stronger. Considering this was # 3 WOD, and my grip was totally shot. Very happy with my numbers. And my hands stayed in one piece. Nice.....
315 lb dead lift max reps in 2 min. 19. 4 more since Oct. 20 should be coming soon.
This was a a little mind numbing

50 mtr walking lunges
100 mtr broad jumps
250 mtr run
My time-18:30
It was different, that's for sure. A bit boring, but no less difficult. Was able to push it cause I was working with Tanner. Any one stronger or faster than you makes for the best partner. And it was really cold out there.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dips/ Burpees/WallBall
10-1 Pyramid Triplet
Saturday, January 2, 2010
5k row & Cleans

5K row-20:27.3
A first for me. Wanted to try it for some time but always found something more fun to do. Sucked it up and hit it hard. Loved it, besides it being kinda boring, but wanna get it down below 20 min.
Cleans- 10-5-2-2-1
Fooled around for a lil and then went big. Got up 205 easy, then fucked up and threw 215 up got under it to low when I could have just quarter squated and caught it. Bar came down hard and crushed my wrists. Hurt bad. Still sore. Nothing major, just gotta receive the bar at the proper height next time. I have the power to throw the weight up high enough to complete the lift, just have to work on finding the right place to receive the bar.
Over Head Squats and then some
Worked up to 205(previous PR) and managed it as a 2rep max. Can go heavier, but was happy with the effort.
AMRAP 8 min-
8-70lb kettle bells swings
12-20in box jumps
7 rounds even. Really burned up the legs, but was happy with it. Always feel like I could squeak out more, but its easy to think that in retrospect.
Worked up to 205(previous PR) and managed it as a 2rep max. Can go heavier, but was happy with the effort.
AMRAP 8 min-
8-70lb kettle bells swings
12-20in box jumps
7 rounds even. Really burned up the legs, but was happy with it. Always feel like I could squeak out more, but its easy to think that in retrospect.
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