Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mmmm Crossfit Chics

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursters, H-P Cleans, SDHP

Complete as many rounds as possible 20
minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
My #- 7 rounds
Dave- 9 rounds PRShoot, don't really know what to say about this one, but we decided that it should be named, "Fish Out of Water", cause you can never get enough O2. I was very happy with my numbers, cause honestly I didn't feel like getting out there and doing anything, which is odd cause getting paid to work out is one of my favorite thing to do, ever! Can't let Dave down and he said "you ready to do this", and I said "sure, I guess so". Not really wanting to. And you know what, I'm sooo glad I did. It hurt, it beat me down, it actually made me wanna quit all together. And when I was done I was smiling,,,, I couldn't breath and thought I may die right there. But I was very happy. Pure joy to be done. That's what I love about Crossfit. How else can I get myself to work out for only twenty minutes, push it to the max, with nothing left in the gas tank. And feel so good afterwards. Crossfit or Die baby!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lunges, pull-ups, and sit-ups

Walking lunge 100 ft.21 Pull-ups21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.18 Pull-ups18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.15 Pull-ups15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.12 Pull-ups12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.9 Pull-ups9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.6 Pull-ups6 Sit-ups
My time: 9:47 PR by 1:30
David 10:16 PR
Felt great and think I can still shed some time off this WOD. Looking forward to doing it again.
Eating like a Caveman

Still keeping to the Paleolithic Diet, and finding it to be easier every week that passes. Cravings for pizza and bread still pop up but I find that if I just ignore them, and eat what I'm supposed to when I'm full I feel so much better that I haven't eaten the crap that my body thinks it wants. I was looking at this huge moth on my porch yesterday and was thinking how we humans can be like the moth. We can change ourselves through work. We can become strong and fast and beautiful, by loving ourselves and honoring our bodies by keeping them clean and strong. And in return our bodies will honor the hard work by becoming lean and toned, and we will feel good, sleep better, have more sex, and want more of this healthy living. This is how I feel, and I want to share it with everyone, and especially the ones I love. Eat clean, work hard, push your limits and you will be a happier being. .........I'm down to 183 lbs and was 196lbs about one month ago and my times and numbers only get better.
Deck of Cards 8/22/09
Diamonds- Burpees
Spades- L-pull-ups
Hearts- 45lb thrusters
Clubs- 45lb Half-moons (every 2 was a rep)
Jokers- 100 compound crunches and a 40 yd sprint
Yesterday Artie and I went to the park by my house around noon and knocked out another Deck of Cards WOD. We upped the ante and tried to push things. It took about an 1.5 hrs to finish, but it was fun, hard and in the end I was very happy we did it. Even had some young kids come by probably 7 & 9 yrs old and they went though some of the movements with us. I love to teach kids who are eager to learn, and can see that in the future will set up a crossfit kids in my box.
Spades- L-pull-ups
Hearts- 45lb thrusters
Clubs- 45lb Half-moons (every 2 was a rep)
Jokers- 100 compound crunches and a 40 yd sprint
Yesterday Artie and I went to the park by my house around noon and knocked out another Deck of Cards WOD. We upped the ante and tried to push things. It took about an 1.5 hrs to finish, but it was fun, hard and in the end I was very happy we did it. Even had some young kids come by probably 7 & 9 yrs old and they went though some of the movements with us. I love to teach kids who are eager to learn, and can see that in the future will set up a crossfit kids in my box.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Karen...."she's crazy"!!!

For time:150 Wall Ball shots, 20 pound ball:
My time: 11:51
Nick: 8:17
Dave: 9:01 PR
Smiley: 13:03
Like I have said before, I hate wall ball. And this is precisely why I need to do them. I do honestly feel like I am doing much better, than a month ago. So all the abuse has helped. Warmed up with double unders, and am really starting to get them down packed. Cooled down with some butterfly kipp work, that Smiley helped me with.
Monday, August 17, 2009

Five rounds for time of:
Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees:
My time: 26:13
Nick: 19:04
Dave: 49:14
Holey Shit!!!! A hard one, but def very proud to have done as Rx. Muscle up become such a mental work out. You really have to see the movement, the over exaggerated kipp, pop those hips, snap the elbows back tucked in tight, and drive up. So much, for just one rep, and forget about it. BURPEES?? I made up time with the burpees, and actually finished the WOD dry heaving through the last two burpees. Nice huh?........ deathbyburpee? Yes, and a straight kick in the balls by muscle ups.....Fooled around after a call and knocked out a few muscle ups and burpees with bunker pants and boots on. Not too bad.
Friday, August 14, 2009
400 meters sprints

Run 400 meters
Rest 3 minutes between rounds:
1 @ 1:16, 2@ 1:18, 3@ 1:20, 4@ 1:34
Was happy with the times, but this is def something I would like to work on more. My endurance is coming along, but I feel my sprint speed could really use some concentration. There were some guys at CrossFit Threshold that are very fast and this helped push me that last little bit. I hit rock bottom, I gave it my all. Gasping for air every time the run was over. Thought I could gain the lead on the third round, burned up all my juice, and still happily finished second. My fourth round suffered from it, but I still pushed through the finish line. Before the WOD we had fun doing some team warm up exercises, and post WOD, we had a little, men vs. woman, wall ball drill. Very fun. Losers had to do burpees. Men won, but we finished the set of burpees with the ladies cause who couldn't use some more burpees in there life. You know I sure love'em...... Thanks again to CrossFit Threshold, and especially Chris Holt (who has an amazing story on their site everyone should read), you are my box away from home.
Gotta get the fix
Went to the Ballys Total Fitness with a friend, Sal. He new I was in town, and was trying to do some lifting. It was nice, did a heavy chest and back routine, did some rope work, pre and post. Spent some time in the steam room and had a very nice time. Now all I can think of is can I make it to the WOD at CrossFit Threshold at 5:30. I think I will have to make time, cause my day won't feel complete until I'm gasping for breath and ready to hit the deck. Sounds fun to me!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
CrossfitCrossfitCrossfit, I love Crossfit

“Our workouts are competitive events. The strength and value of CrossFit lies entirely within our dominance of other athletes. This is a truth divined through competition, not debate.”
"For many, the CrossFit community is the biggest draw. The camaraderie and competition are infrequently shared in many environments, but found in abundance in CrossFit."
Took grandma to her silver sneakers class at the YMCA in Homestead today. Snuck in and hit up a brutal arm work-out, and did some rope work, 50 double unders pre & 100 double unders post work out. The post work out was rough, cause my arms were jello. Still had a lot of fun. Can't wait to get back to CrossFit Threshold and get pushed by friends. And I want to Thank the guys back home for Doing the same work-out I did down here. Awesome!!!! I Love it,,,,, Crossfit or Die.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wall Ball and Kettle Bell

For Time; 50 (20lb) wall ball shots & 50 (1.5 pood) kettle bell swings
35 wall ball shots & 35 swings
20 shots & 20 swings
My time- 18:26
Today I had the pleasure of going to CrossFit Threshold in Kendall. Wow!! What an amazing experience it was. First of all when I called this morning to get some info on poss. getting to do a WOD with them, I spoke with Chris Holt the co-owner and director of their box. Super friendly and told me to come on down. Nice set-up, very clean and wide open. The WOD was the kind I hate to see cause it forces me to work on my weaknesses, wall ball and kettle bell swings. So I was happy to go and get my butt kicked. Chris also helped me work on my double unders, something I've vowed to perfect and haven't yet. I had such an awesome time there and was invited back anytime. What they are doing there is why I have fallen in love with the sport, brutal WOD's, family and team atmosphere, and just a whole lot of fun..... I will be back there at least one more time this week. And anytime I'm back in Homestead this will be my box of choice.
Paleo Success

So I've been following the Paleo diet guidelines pretty strictly for almost a month now and have had great results so far in such a short period of time. I will admit I have slipped up and cheated about once a week, and I'm okay with that. I mean I want to be healthy and reap the benefits of this way of eating, but sometimes you just have to eat something that is either easy, or makes you happy. Don't make a habit of it, and don't think its an excuse to go crazy and eat a whole extra large pizza with the works all by yourself, cause that's just gonna make you sick. I have found that eating combinations on lean proteins, mixtures of fresh fruits and veggies, and healthy snacks make me feel amazing. I have lost 11 lbs so far and have been not only keeping my numbers up, but actually hitting PR regularly. I love the way I feel, and this has been an easy way to live, not diet.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Stupid Gym
So I'm in Homestead visiting the family. Looking forward to hitting the gym after a long drive down. I go to where I remember the closest Golds Gym is, and well, its closed. Whatever. So I drive to 24hr fitness where I know some trainers. Maybe get a free weeks pass. I get there and they don't work there anymore. And I talk to the girl at the front desk, trying to work something out. She's game but when she asks if I have a local address and I say "How local", I can see where this is going. I end up driving from Homestead to Miami, with a pit stop in Cutler Bay, and I'm frustrated and I don't want to spend any $$$ to work out. I go home. Decide to run to a park 1.5 miles away and knocked out 21 L pull-up, 21 strict, and 21 kipping pull-ups, 50 reverse curls, and 50 dips. So after the approximately 3 miles and the rest of the work I did I felt better. Going to the closest Crossfit box tomorrow. Or I'm gonna punch myself in the face. I'll fucking go crazy.....
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Dead Lift

Dead Lift Max Weight; Then 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 reps:
My Max- 415lbs PR
David Max- 415lbs PR
Nick Max- 445lbs PR
Then finished with sets of 345lbs. Worked in 5 rep sets, 25 reps in total.
Awesome work. Felt amazing and we will only keep moving up the weight each time. We all hit PR first try and almost with ease, except it was some really heavy shit. Love the work, and def hit ROCK BOTTOM today.......
Friday, August 7, 2009
Rope Climb

Three rounds for time of:
15 ft. upper-body only rope climbs, 3 ascents per round
12, 9, 6, hand-stand push-ups
12 double unders
My time- 11:33
Then worked on my muscle-ups and more double unders. Have been consistently able to knock out muscle-ups in bunched of five before getting down to rest and readjust. Can't get more than 11 double unders in a row, but knocked out 50 relatively fast. Did some more core work and hanging L's from the rings. Hope we do FGB 20 for time tomorrow.
10 K
Yesterday on 8/6, Nick, Bobby Ford and I went to Jervy Gant and ran the 10K. Was a nice day, a little hot, and not real breeze. Don't have the exact 6.2 miles marked out, so nick and I did at least 6.5 to make it real. New PR of 54:17. First 2 mile lap was difficult and had a time of 17+min, but the second and third were considerable faster and felt good. Recovery has been great and I'm liking the new combo of supplements I'm taking.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fight Gone Bad

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo dead lift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Burpees (Reps)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.
Wall Ball / Box Jump / SHPDL / Push Press / Burpee / Total Reps
Dave-23,15,12 17,10,11 30,20,15 20,17,12 13,10,13 = 238
Nick-26,24,15 20,14,11 25,20,20 24,13,15 13,10,12 = 262
My#-11,8,8 20,12,15 22,16,24 39,20,16 14,12,12 = 249
Loved this WOD cause it really does feel like a fight gone bad. Was able to push myself till I had nothing left. Literally was a gasping, heaving, pile of sweaty mess when it was over. Def need to work on my wall ball the rest felt pretty strong. Was very glad we watched a lot of the FGB videos and lectures on the main site as well as the ones on the journal. They helped immensely with my form and reminding me to be strict with the movements and you'll get more out of them and yourself. We wanna throw down with the FGB about once a week for a month or so and then go FGB Championship Rounds.... this time for the belt....:)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Round Pull-up
1 25
2 20
3 25
4 20
5 20
6 21
Total #s-6 rounds and 131 pull-ups. Did the WOD alone for the first time in a long time. Working the A shift and these guys haven't Hit Rock Bottom (I don't even think they want to or could if they tried). Felt good about the numbers but definitely could have done more pull-ups with some encouragement. My kipp was strong and consistent and my hands felt pretty good. Want to work on my butterfly with Smiley next time he comes by. Did some jump-rope work to warm up, some muscle-ups and some Pilate's core floor work. Abs are getting some definition. Hope to really get my ass kicked tomorrow with the B-shift crew. We always work till we bleed, push till we puke, and of course we always HIT ROCK BOTTOM.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Round Pull-up
1 25
2 20
3 25
4 20
5 20
6 21
Total #s-6 rounds and 131 pull-ups. Did the WOD alone for the first time in a long time. Working the A shift and these guys haven't Hit Rock Bottom (I don't even think they want to or could if they tried). Felt good about the numbers but definitely could have done more pull-ups with some encouragement. My kipp was strong and consistent and my hands felt pretty good. Want to work on my butterfly with Smiley next time he comes by. Did some jump-rope work to warm up, some muscle-ups and some Pilate's core floor work. Abs are getting some definition. Hope to really get my ass kicked tomorrow with the B-shift crew. We always work till we bleed, push till we puke, and of course we always HIT ROCK BOTTOM.
Gym Day
Monday 8/04 was another good day at the gym. Did bi and tri work-outs, solo. Went very well even though I had to hit it alone. Been working on my jump-rope skills and still haven't mastered the double-under. Can get up to 5 or 6 in a row but that's it. Want them bad and will make rope work part of my warm-up or cool-down everyday.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Gym Day
Yesterday, Aug. 1. Scott and I did legs at Golds. Tried some new rep combinations (15,12,10) Went from back-squats 225lbs, to hanging power cleans 95lbs, to thrusters 95lbs (3 sets). And continued with more medium weight, high rep movements. Trying this with all muscle groups for a month or so. See what the results will be, and then back to 8, 6, 4, reps heavy weight.
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