AMRAP in 8min:
15 double-unders
15 incline sit-ups
My #'s- 9rds and 6 sit-ups
50 meter tractor tire sprints: 3 rounds each for time, 3min rest between.
1 2 3
My times- 20sec, 20sec, 18sec
And my legs are done, body is sore, and I'm completely gassed. I love it.
Monday, November 30, 2009

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight:
My time-34:10 D/L-275, Bench-185, Clean-135
Shit, this was a bitch. I mean really some WOD's suck, but this one really is bad. Dead lifts weren't to bad, finished all the bench's unbroken, but the cleans just got me. Was able to get under some and power out of the hole, but some were just retarded and ugly. We were just getting started though.
Mod- Team Murph 11/26/09
workout:400m run
15x burpee
15x kte
15x tuck jump then:
complete in teams of two. only one player works at a time, must tag to relieve.
1 mile run. performed as 400m sprint relays
50x sit up
100x push up
75x sit up
200x pull up
100x sit up
300x squat
1 mile run: 400m relay style
Our time-44:30
Did this team WOD with Josh. only his second time at the box, and I think we did awesome. I did end having to finish from # 85 pull-up cause he got pukie, but Robert knocked my number down to 150 pull-ups. Butterfly kipp was strong and hands are holding up. Josh came back for the rest of the WOD and it was a ton of fun.
15x burpee
15x kte
15x tuck jump then:
complete in teams of two. only one player works at a time, must tag to relieve.
1 mile run. performed as 400m sprint relays
50x sit up
100x push up
75x sit up
200x pull up
100x sit up
300x squat
1 mile run: 400m relay style
Our time-44:30
Did this team WOD with Josh. only his second time at the box, and I think we did awesome. I did end having to finish from # 85 pull-up cause he got pukie, but Robert knocked my number down to 150 pull-ups. Butterfly kipp was strong and hands are holding up. Josh came back for the rest of the WOD and it was a ton of fun.
Litvinov Conversion
workout:5 min airdyne
20m lunge to single leg deadlift then
4 sets 10m lunge with bar in front rack
6x step up to jump then:
6 sets with 3 min rest between 8x front squat M:95-135 W: 55-95
50m sprint
Was fun, front rack was strong, and sprints felt fast.
workout:5 min airdyne
20m lunge to single leg deadlift then
4 sets 10m lunge with bar in front rack
6x step up to jump then:
6 sets with 3 min rest between 8x front squat M:95-135 W: 55-95
50m sprint
Was fun, front rack was strong, and sprints felt fast.
Iron Curtain warm-up 11/19/09
workout:5 min row/airdyne then:
3 rounds of CINDY then:
Pick either the couplet or triplet from iron curtain:
for time: 750m row + 75 thruster 45/35
My time-8:37
amrap 7 min: 2 mu + 4 hspu + 8 pistol
My #'s- 4 rds + HSPU
Did both, neither felt great. If my HSPU ever fucking come along I will be able to wreck this.
3 rounds of CINDY then:
Pick either the couplet or triplet from iron curtain:
for time: 750m row + 75 thruster 45/35
My time-8:37
amrap 7 min: 2 mu + 4 hspu + 8 pistol
My #'s- 4 rds + HSPU
Did both, neither felt great. If my HSPU ever fucking come along I will be able to wreck this.
workout:5 min row/airdyne then:
2 rounds10x pvc thruster
10x jumping pull up then:
thruster 95/65
pull up:
My time-5:24
Was okay for the first time doing Fran. Still struggling with my front rack. Pull-ups were strong and my butterfly kipp is very fast. Room for improvement fo-sho......
workout:5 min row/airdyne then:
2 rounds10x pvc thruster
10x jumping pull up then:
thruster 95/65
pull up:
My time-5:24
Was okay for the first time doing Fran. Still struggling with my front rack. Pull-ups were strong and my butterfly kipp is very fast. Room for improvement fo-sho......
Dead Lift 5RM 11/16/09
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
My time-39:22PR (previous time 61:+)
Eva does not scare me anymore. The fact the in five month I shaved off over 20min. from my time is nuts. Ran felt great, no old man shuffle, swings in blocks of 15. Pull-ups were descent. But over all Awesome!!!! Recovered fast and felt great.... Does Crossfit work. Yes!! I love it. Crossfit or Die....
Over Head Squat 11/13
Over Head Squat
3x5 heavy
Weight had to come from he ground, up into a power clean or power snatch, and then back racked, adjusted grip, and then back jerked up ready for the over head squat. Felt good, legs and shoulders were taxed from a week of stuff. Worked on form and explosiveness. Happy with the WOD.
3x5 heavy
Weight had to come from he ground, up into a power clean or power snatch, and then back racked, adjusted grip, and then back jerked up ready for the over head squat. Felt good, legs and shoulders were taxed from a week of stuff. Worked on form and explosiveness. Happy with the WOD.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Did the lighter weight several time and then went big. I cleaned 205 very well, got low, received the bar in full squat, failed the jerk. I know I've got it next time for sure. Shoulders are a little taxed from this week, B/S excuse... But at least I have room to grow right?
Warmed up with Turkish Get-up progressions and went from 35lb to 95lb max both arms. Soon I will be hitting 115lb TGU. Like the movement a lot, fun to play with.
Did the lighter weight several time and then went big. I cleaned 205 very well, got low, received the bar in full squat, failed the jerk. I know I've got it next time for sure. Shoulders are a little taxed from this week, B/S excuse... But at least I have room to grow right?
Warmed up with Turkish Get-up progressions and went from 35lb to 95lb max both arms. Soon I will be hitting 115lb TGU. Like the movement a lot, fun to play with.
1/2 Chipper 11/11/09
For time:
750m row
50x deadlift 115/75
25x box jump
40x push press 95/55
20x kb swing 53/35
30x front squat 115/75
15x split jump (per leg)
20x ring dip
10x burpee
400m run
My time-23:25
Was happy to have completed it without falling down face first. Was feeling really strong until the front squat and my lack of a front rack hurt me. The rest went well until,,,,, the RUN. Again the old man shuffle.Complete Bullshit. I will get better at running when I'm hurting.... Crossfit or Die.... And Run till your gonna pass out..... Fuck it pisses me off.
750m row
50x deadlift 115/75
25x box jump
40x push press 95/55
20x kb swing 53/35
30x front squat 115/75
15x split jump (per leg)
20x ring dip
10x burpee
400m run
My time-23:25
Was happy to have completed it without falling down face first. Was feeling really strong until the front squat and my lack of a front rack hurt me. The rest went well until,,,,, the RUN. Again the old man shuffle.Complete Bullshit. I will get better at running when I'm hurting.... Crossfit or Die.... And Run till your gonna pass out..... Fuck it pisses me off.
Power Snatch w/ run 11/10/09
For time
95lb power snatch
400 mtr run
5 rounds
My time- 16:33
Very happy with it. Was able to complete first three rounds of snatch's without letting go of the bar, for the last two I would complete 5 and dump the weight. Its my run that still gets me, can't get past the old man shuffle. Gotta speed up that run!!!!! Crossfit or Die.
95lb power snatch
400 mtr run
5 rounds
My time- 16:33
Very happy with it. Was able to complete first three rounds of snatch's without letting go of the bar, for the last two I would complete 5 and dump the weight. Its my run that still gets me, can't get past the old man shuffle. Gotta speed up that run!!!!! Crossfit or Die.
10k for the National Firefighter Games.
Time- 53:14
Not very happy with the time but considering I was running on 1 hr. of sleep and don't really think they distance was accurate, I'll take it. Gotta get faster. Gonna run at least a 5k a week religiously.
Time- 53:14
Not very happy with the time but considering I was running on 1 hr. of sleep and don't really think they distance was accurate, I'll take it. Gotta get faster. Gonna run at least a 5k a week religiously.
Nate 11/5/09
AMRAP in 20 min.
2 muscle-ups
8 2pood kettlebells swings
My#-8 rounds
This happened to be the first WOD I did at Crossfit Daytona. Was still fighting a cold and wanted to at least equal my PR, but I was happy with the work I did. HSPU are still my Achilles heel, and need some real attention.
2 muscle-ups
8 2pood kettlebells swings
My#-8 rounds
This happened to be the first WOD I did at Crossfit Daytona. Was still fighting a cold and wanted to at least equal my PR, but I was happy with the work I did. HSPU are still my Achilles heel, and need some real attention.
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