Monday, March 14, 2011

M.E. Thrusters

M.E. Thruster


Felt good. Elbow held up, little tight and sore now. but was working at the box. Def could hit 225. 215 went up easy, but I played it too safe.
10-1 and 1-10 reversing pyramid ladder
115 lb thrusters
Knee to elbows

10:01. Shoulda had sub 10. But very glad I did it. Painful one. WOD with the boys also is a winner.

Deadlift 1 rep

After coaching on Saturday I wanted to see where my deadlift was. Probably not the best idea after the challenge WOD but whatever. I want a big dead....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge WOD #4

20 min AMRAP
20 meter walking lunges @ #135
15 box jumps @ 24"
10 hspu

5 rounds + 3 hspu

Loved it. Think I coulda gone harder, but I didn't push, so fuck it. Its been too long since I did a longer hard WOD. It was what I've been missing. I love that I'm getting a lot stronger doing all this lifting, but a good ass beater every week is good for me. CrossFit or Die, and WOD it like you stole it......

Monday, March 7, 2011

M.E. OHS then a WOD

Was a good day for me to lift. Having my boys there to push me was what got me big #s.

10-1 Pyramid of 1/2 BW OHS
1-10 Burpees

7:34     Smoked my hips. Was fun, and burpees always kill.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back Squat and Row

4 rft
10 b sq @ 225
250 mtr row